When “Be X Do = Have Put Man on the Moon...

Setting Goals and Going After Your Dreams

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too. — John F. Kennedy

On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong, a U.S. astronaut, was the first human to take a step on the Moon. “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” he said as he bounced across the surface of the Moon.


This incredible feat of human ingenuity and bravery set a new course for the world. Within less than a decade, humanity had not only orbited the Earth but made multiple Lunar landings. Challenged by physics, technology and the consequences of failure, scientists, engineers, and astronauts set forth to make history (and I’m not forgetting the Cold War aspects of the Space Race, and the efforts and results of Soviet Cosmonauts which helped fuel the rapid progress achieved in that decade).

Consider the challenges and obstacles (and competition) we face every day in our personal and professional lives. None are as daunting as putting a man on the Moon. Are we putting our challenges into perspective and ensuring we don’t allow the small stuff to get in our way?

For many of us (me included), the Astronauts of the Lunar Age had the Right Stuff. They demonstrated the tenacity and fortitude to achieve the impossible.

As a business owner, are you helping your team to see the possibilities and helping them to find their way through the chaos that can occur?


So, what about this, Be X Do = Have stuff?


Have is about your dreams and goals, knowing what it is you want (and why you want it).


Do is about changing your personal behaviors (yours and the people on your team) and systems / processes in your business to achieve what you haven’t yet achieved (that’s the Have again).


Be is about growing yourself (and your team) into the person / people able to

Do those new things that get you what you want to Have.


You’ll never change what you Have now, and achieve more in your life and business, without growing yourself (and your team) and doing things in different and better ways, than you have up to now.

I grew up wanting to be an astronaut. I never became one, but I did become a US Naval Aviator along the way (Naval Aviation was a starting point for many astronauts). So no, I never made it into space. But becoming a Naval Aviator got me into places I never dreamed of when I was growing up.


Set some goals and go after your dreams... they'll take you on quite the ride... 

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